Our Green Policy - No Plastic Use
Staying with us? Find out more about our sustainability below. We value local products and repurposing of Antiques, Artwork and Local Artefacts. Read about our Green Policy below
The Harrison is housed in a historical building of great architectural importance. It is a listed building where renowned people have worked and lived since 1879.
We are committed to preserving the building and its features as well as doing our bit for the planet. This document highlights how we strive to make our business as sustainable as possible. Environmental considerations are taken throughout all our day-to-day operations. Every member of staff is aware that we promote the best environmental practices that we can and that we try to monitor our progress and performance in reducing our carbon footprint.
At The Harrison We
· Encourage staff and guest involvement in our policy of “Eliminate, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.”
· Communicate through information and training our green policies
· Have a Green Champion to review our practices and monitor our activities
· Promote energy conservation and utilisation of appropriate energy-efficient technology
· Minimise waste and recycle where possible
· Promote environmentally responsible, ethical, and fair-trade policies in our purchasing of food, toiletries, and other products
· Strive to eliminate the release of pollutants
· Adopt an environmentally sound transport strategy
· Adopt policies which consider the visual impact of the hotel and surroundings
· Take into consideration the activities of the hotel in the local community
· Expect similar environmental standards from our suppliers and stakeholders
Reduce, re-use and recycle
· Installation of led light bulbs throughout the property on sensors
· Walk-in showers to encourage guests to use the shower instead of the bath resulting in water saving
· Minimal chemical use in housekeeping and grounds
· Dedicated recycling bins
· Re-use of furniture fittings and uniforms after our refurbishments by donating to local charities and businesses.
· Recycling of obsolete IT equipment through local charities, in accordance with WEEE
· Floor insulation, thermal insulation, acoustic insulation, throughout
· Use of antique and salvage Victorian furniture, fixtures, and fittings throughout
· Use of local products such as carpets, radiators, artwork, and recycled wood for flooring
Everyday actions
· Have a dedicated environmental champion driving forward new initiatives
· Ongoing environmental and awareness training
· Replace bed linen on request
· Provide newspapers on request to avoid wastage and recycle any spare
· Weekly monitoring of utilities consumption to aid in reducing consumption levels
· Bulk purchase of concentrate chemicals
· Refillable chemical containers
· Compact waste so fewer collections required
· Re-use towels on guest request
· Encourage cycle to work and have provided cycle rack facilities
· Encourage local transport and provide information on their facilities
· Provide environmental awareness and training as part of the induction programme
· Purchase recycled paper and other goods
· Recycling of paper, plastic, cardboard, glass, polythene wrappers, mobile phones, and textiles
Local support
· Provide information on walks, wildlife, and local tourism services for our guests
· Employ local staff only & employ local contractors
· Locally sourced deliveries and produce with a sustainable procurement policy
· Provide local transport services information to our staff and guests
· Provide cycle hire information along with details of various cycle routes
· Provide complimentary secure bicycle parking for staff and guests
· Use local produce where possible
· Use organic produce where possible